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  • Writer's picturePhoebe Sidamon

Construction challenges that first-timers experience

Construction is an interesting field. You will see that the growth has been stable ever since the construction industry started. However, if you are a first-timer, you may experience stiffer challenges due to pandemics. The construction sector has now spent at an all-time high. Despite being able to weather the first year of COVID19, the construction industry still continues to face challenges, both old and new, as we move forward day by day.

You might be wondering what kind of challenges we face. Well, for the majority of construction companies, we have to deal with the rise of material and labor costs. The labor woes, increased competition, and shrinking profit margins are also some of the biggest problems we face nowadays. There are new rules and regulations that business owners must follow too so everything is truly hard to do. If you want to know about the challenges, we will be discussing it today so without further ado, let’s get going!

Tackling Unexpected Obstacles in the Construction Process

The price increase of material and labor costs are just some of the major struggles we have in the construction industry. We are facing an economic crisis today because of the pandemic. COVID19 has been making us suffer, but how can we address all the challenges if we don’t know them? To give you a brief understanding, here are some of the major challenges the construction industry face today:

Labor Shortages

Because of COVID19 safety protocols and restrictions, there is a massive labor shortage we are experiencing. The main reason is that not everyone can work and due to this, construction materials are affected, The supply chain went down spiral so construction materials right now are skyrocketing in prices.

Stagnant Productivity Levels

Unlike other industries we have right now, the construction field has very few improvements in productivity. The performance of the construction industry is troubling, especially now that the construction projects became increasingly more complex. Due to inadequate planning and scheduling of home or building projects, there is also a lack of collaboration and communication between stakeholders for there is poor productivity on construction projects. The idle time wasted for waiting on materials and supplies to be delivered so work would be completed has been seen as another struggle too.


The safety of working staff has been continuous. However, there is still an issue plaguing the construction industry as accidents still happen even up to date. For several years, construction has led to having the most number of worker deaths in all industries. There are also high cases of injuries and illnesses of workers in the field. Keeping your workers safe while doing projects should always be a priority of your company. Protecting them against accidents and injuries should never be compromised by all business owners.

Technology Adoption

The construction industry is notoriously slow at adapting to the new and innovative technologies we have right now. The majority of business owners in construction acknowledged the many benefits that technology can provide. But, only several companies used them to run and manage construction projects. Drones and wearable can be used to monitor workers. This will guarantee a big help in terms of keeping them safe.

3 Insider Tips for First-Timers in Commercial Construction

Being in a commercial construction business is both a thrilling and rewarding experience, but it’s not always easy to thrive in this field. Each company has unique challenges. As you embark on the construction sector, we want you to know and keep these insider tips to help you survive your project smoothly from start to finish:

It is always best to go local

Hiring an experienced and local general contractor is the right thing to do for your project. They will be helpful in giving you the best advice. They have the perspective on navigating local rules and regulations, especially if they have been working in the industry for years. It is best to hire someone who has experience in the permit process, has a brief understanding of the local politics, weather, etc. Having a local team understands nuances.

Make sure to define budget expectations before agreeing to anything

New projects can pose budget challenges. This is common in our line of work. The reason is either because the building design is new or the concept is new; this just means there aren’t as many comparable projects, and you need this to base your budget. The best approach is to partner with an experienced contractor that is well-informed in terms of construction prices.

Do your best to finalize the design

When you have new projects, you will feel tempted to get going even though the details have not yet been fully worked out. Don’t do this common mistake. It is best to finalize your design and concepts before the project gets off the ground. The reason is simple, this move will ensure a more seamless and smooth process. Try to also partner with experts who can ask the right questions to ensure your design goals are met before starting the construction.

Construction can be exciting, but undertaking a project for the first time is hard so it is best for you to have proper planning. Develop relationships with a local team is a plus too as they will value and follow your best interests.

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